Rasassi Altrincham (21, The Downs, Altrincham, Wa142Qd, Cheshire, United Kingdom)


Address & Contact

21, The Downs, Altrincham, Wa142Qd, Cheshire, United Kingdom
WA14 Altrincham

Display phone number


Opening times for Rasassi in Altrincham

Services from the shop Rasassi in Altrincham

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Description of the shop Rasassi in Altrincham

The word “Rasassi” is taken inspiration from 15th century word “Rasassy” which means satisfy a hunger and “Rasassy someone” means to satisfy someone with a great meal. Our Mission is to provide a unique and relaxing dining experience, premier home-style dining restaurant, – similar to dining at home.
Whatever the season, we have access to the very best suppliers who can provide us the best quality meat, fish and vegetable we use in our cooking. So if you want to visit the best restaurant in Altringham and satisfy your huger take a look at our menu now.


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