Trekwear Salisbury (Unit 6, Whaddon Business Park, Whaddon, Salisbury,)

Address & Contact

Unit 6, Whaddon Business Park, Whaddon, Salisbury,
SP5 Salisbury

Display phone number


Opening times for Trekwear in Salisbury

Services from the shop Trekwear in Salisbury

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Description of the shop Trekwear in Salisbury

The Trekwear team is made up of outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy activities ranging from a sedate dog walk to more extreme pursuits such as hurling themselves down mountains on skis, snowboards and bikes. This means that we have first-hand experience of using the products we sell in the environment for which they were designed. If you have a question about your order or want to know how one waterproof jacket compares to another then our customer services team are always happy to assist.


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