Cheshire Tiles and Bathrooms Cheadle (Unit 1C, Duke Avenue, Stanley Green, Trading Estate, Cheadle, Cheshire)

Cheshire Tiles and Bathrooms

Address & Contact

Unit 1C, Duke Avenue, Stanley Green, Trading Estate, Cheadle, Cheshire
SK8 Cheadle

Display phone number


Opening times for Cheshire Tiles and Bathrooms in Cheadle

The shop is currently closed
Monday 09h00 AM to 05h00 PM
Tuesday 09h00 AM to 05h00 PM
Wednesday 09h00 AM to 05h00 PM
Thursday 09h00 AM to 05h00 PM
Friday 09h00 AM to 05h00 PM
Saturday CLOSED
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If you want to know if your shop is open these days, you can contact it.

These opening times don't take account of public holidays and of Sundays. You can also check if Cheshire Tiles and Bathrooms Cheadle is open on Thursday by calling it.

Usually Cheshire Tiles and Bathrooms Cheadle is closed on Sundays. Careful, is a participative site, where anyone can indicate opening times. If you see any mistake, please contact us.

Services from the shop Cheshire Tiles and Bathrooms in Cheadle

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Description of the shop Cheshire Tiles and Bathrooms in Cheadle

Cheshire Tile & Bathroom Online offers huge discounts on a wide range of quality bathroom products. You can buy online or in our showroom at the same great prices. Our internet and in-store prices are exactly the same so that you can rest assured that you are getting the very best deals around. If you are living in stockport, cheshire, cheadle, or, wilmslow then you can take a visit to our showroom or check out branded products on our E-Store. Our Bathroom showroom in cheshire and our online site customer support team will provide you the best customer service across the UK. Call one of our dedicated team on 0161 485 7073. We have already done some of the hard work for you, choosing only the best quality products to offer to our customers. We have a comprehensive range of modern and traditional bathroom products to explore!


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