Rattan Garden Furniture London (22 Lower Road)

Rattan Garden Furniture

Address & Contact

22 Lower Road
SE16 London

Display phone number
Rattan Garden Furniture
Rattan Garden Furniture - 1


Opening times for Rattan Garden Furniture in London

The shop is currently closed
Monday 09h00 AM to 06h00 PM
Tuesday 09h00 AM to 06h00 PM
Wednesday 09h00 AM to 06h00 PM
Thursday 09h00 AM to 06h00 PM
Friday 09h00 AM to 06h00 PM
Saturday CLOSED
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These opening times don't take account of public holidays and of Sundays. You can also check if Rattan Garden Furniture London is open on Wednesday by calling it.

Usually Rattan Garden Furniture London is closed on Sundays. Careful, the-shops.co.uk is a participative site, where anyone can indicate opening times. If you see any mistake, please contact us.

Services from the shop Rattan Garden Furniture in London

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Description of the shop Rattan Garden Furniture in London

Rattan Garden Furniture is a company established in 2008 that specializes in rattan furniture. Rattan garden furniture is an ideal choice chosen by many homeowners for their outdoor areas, which provides a place to sit and enjoy morning coffee or afternoon tea, talk with friends or have dinner with relatives. Its incredible weatherproofness means that it will not be affected even if it is left outside in bad weather conditions, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The extremely durable and popular rattan garden furniture provides a different and incredibly modern appearance, whether it is a vast space or a compact urban garden, it can be fully adapted, and it also plays an important role in the overall appearance and attractiveness of the outdoor.

The rattan garden furniture made of powder-coated aluminum frame and HDPE synthetic rattan, even if exposed to extreme humidity and freezing temperatures, does not worry about rusting, cracking or brittleness. It really helps you keep your garden low maintenance.


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