Leisure Lakes Bikes Bury (124 Rochdale Road, Bury, Lancashire)

Leisure Lakes Bikes

Address & Contact

124 Rochdale Road, Bury, Lancashire
BL9 Bury

Display phone number


Opening times for Leisure Lakes Bikes in Bury

The shop is currently open
Monday 10h00 AM to 05h00 AM
Tuesday 10h00 AM to 08h00 AM
Wednesday 10h00 AM to 05h30 AM
Thursday 10h00 AM to 08h00 AM
Friday 10h00 AM to 05h30 AM
Saturday 09h30 AM to 05h00 AM
Sunday 11h00 AM to 05h00 AM
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If you want to know if your shop is open these days, you can contact it.

These opening times don't take account of public holidays and of Sundays. You can also check if Leisure Lakes Bikes Bury is open on Friday by calling it.

Usually Leisure Lakes Bikes Bury is closed on Sundays. Careful, the-shops.co.uk is a participative site, where anyone can indicate opening times. If you see any mistake, please contact us.

Services from the shop Leisure Lakes Bikes in Bury

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Description of the shop Leisure Lakes Bikes in Bury

Leisure Lakes Bikes provide a quality range of bikes and bike services. The business is family owned and originated in 1981. Founded by the Noy Brothers, they have 9 stores that are ran by managers and staff passionate about riding and therefore offer a great quality service. Each store has a different flavor, which you'll get a personal experience from the staff that run them. They also have a huge online bike store. They love everything about cycling and only sell products they know and from brands they trust; they never sell anything we wouldn’t ride or use ourselves! They have stores located in the below locations. . Bury . Cheltenham . Daventry . Newport . Preston/Southport . Preston Hub . Wolverhampton


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